We will be exploring the school theme through daily prayers, school masses, and Bible seminar. Because this is a sacramental year, we will also be focusing our efforts in preparing your children for Confirmation. We will be using the program “Chosen” as our main resource and supplemented by texts such as the YouCat (Youth Catechism), and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Holy Bible. We will also have a unit on Sexual Education from a perspective of Christian Morality later in the year and this year, we will be using “Theology of the Body” material.
- Discovery Faith Study
- Lesson 1: God Loves Us
- Lesson 2: Love’s Initiative
- Lesson 3: Jesus Christ Our Lord
- Lesson 4: Jesus Christ Our Saviour
- Lesson 5: The Universal Call
- Chosen Lessons 2 – 24 **Chosen Lessons will be covered to coincide with Church feasts and celebration; some lessons will be more in-depth, especially with regards to the Sacraments and Confirmation**
- Theology of the Body **This will be covered around May and June**
Friday, September 8, 2023
- School Theme. View the assignment here
- Leadership: Discussions with Mr. Brophy with this question: "Where do you find leadership difficult?" or "Was there a time when you have experienced difficulty in leadership either as a follower or as a leader?"